MPFC Success Stories

MPFC Success Stories

As MPFC continues to expand, the number of our success stories grows alongside it. With over 100 children positively impacted, witnessing the incredible transformations unfold is truly heartwarming. Each child has a unique journey and specific needs that call for personalized attention. Your generous contributions play a crucial role in creating a lasting impact on the lives of these children.

Leah’s Story

Leah reached her goal of taking 4 independent steps on different occasions. Leah also took 50 steps assisted. During this trip to Climb, Leah said Dada for the first time, which is HUGE and also mastered the art of chewing her food. Learning to chew food instead of just manipulating a puree with her tongue has been a major goal outside of any physical therapies. We are excited to move on from purees and eventually her g-tube will be able to come out. This intensive would not have been possible without this grant! This grant will continue to help Leah for several weeks now that her session is over.  It is not uncommon for kids in DMI intensive therapies to keep progressing long after their session is over. Giving us the tools and education to help Leah build her confidence is life changing for both Leah and for us. Watching and learning from Chandler, Leah’s therapist, has given us knowledge that we can put into action. Teaching Leah from home and helping her without feeling like we are doing something “wrong”. This grant helped to instill confidence in Leah and also confidence in ourselves as Leah’s parents and that is priceless! “ – Devon, Leah’s Mom

Landen’s Story

“I wanted to take a moment to touch base as we’re coming up to the 6 month mark for the 2nd half of Landen’s funding for hippotherapy. I can’t thank you and the foundation enough for all your support. To know his dream is still alive is all thanks to you and your generosity and efforts.The pride, joy, self-confidence and internal peace Landen feels has made all the difference. He now engages more easily with children his age, holds his head high and handles life’s challenges with skills learned and practiced on the back of a horse. Again, thanks to you folks Landen’s life is being set up to be filled with a foundation of confidence, pride and love.” – Christina, Landen’s Mother

Oliver’s Story

Oliver, one of the first children who went through this program, was unable to take any independent steps at the age of 3-years-old due to a rare genetic disorder. MPFC funded Oliver’s intensive therapy and hippotherapy. Oliver went from not being able to take any independent steps to being able to take over 425 steps on his own! “He is really getting stronger with his walking and running! He can even walk with a backpack with several items in it! He is also improving in his reading and math in his general education class! Thank you again for all of your support for Oliver! He would not be where he is without the Maryam Parman Foundation!” – Kristen, Oliver’s Mom

Koen’s Story:

“I am writing to express my deep appreciation to the Maryam Parman Foundation for funding my son Koen’s first intensive therapy session at NAPA Los Angeles. It has been a life changing experience for Koen. With his multiple diagnoses, Koen had a lot of challenges with sensory and motor planning. At the age of 4.5 yr old he was still functioning more like a typical 1 year old developmentally. He relied on a walker and did not stand without support. He had great difficulty with transitions, for example, from standing to down on the floor, from floor to standing, and from standing to turn then sit down, etc. We feel like this is exactly where we needed to be. We as parents have learned a lot of techniques and strategies to bring home too! 

We have returned home for over a week now and we are still seeing improvements that make our heads turn! It’s like we went to NAPA with a 1-yr old and came back with a toddler! Koen is now moving to different spots around the house to explore and getting into things he did not before.  Amazingly, his speech and language has also improved; engaging us with phrases/responses that are within context. We think that the intensive sessions has “woken up” his brain’s neuroplasticity! Thank you to your donors for sponsoring the sessions and making this possible for Koen and our family! We feel blessed with this opportunity. The benefits are priceless!” – Karin, Koen’s Mother.

Ella’s Story

Ella did start to propel herself in the gait trainer without being prompted. She is so close to sitting independently without hands, so we are definitely closer to that goal. While attending this therapy, she was also able to stand independently against a table without support which was HUGE for her. Within a month of us getting home she has been consistently rolling from back to tummy and is taking more steps in gait trainer. We were also able to get her to sit independently without hands for 5 seconds! This grant helped us so much. Not only did it give us such a wonderful experience with some amazing new therapists, but it also allowed us to see some great progress for Ella.” – Anjellica, Ella’s Mother

Your Donations Matter

The remarkable impact of your donations on the families of MPFC is beyond words. Your generosity empowers children to achieve significant milestones that would otherwise be out of reach. Through your support, children gain independence, enhance their communication skills, and boost their confidence. Your donations to MPFC create an immeasurable difference in the lives of these children. Donate today to continue to help children like Leah, Landen, Oliver, Koen, Ella, and many others!