MPFC Takes A Look Back At 2020 & Looks Forward To 2021

MPFC Takes A Look Back At 2020 & Looks Forward To 2021

As we look ahead to the New Year with hope and excitement, we also want to take a look back at what our organization accomplished in 2020. Despite its challenges, MPFC was able to have a prosperous year. Without your help, we would not have been able to have so much success.  Because of your unwavering support, we were able continue our fundraising efforts and spread awareness about our mission.

MPFC Fundraising in 2020

Our first virtual fundraising event was our Giving Tuesday Now campaign in May. It was a global day of giving as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. Our donors helped us raise over $6,200, and helped spread awareness for our mission across all social media platforms. In July, we hosted a virtual Gorjana jewelry shopping event where 19% of the proceeds went to MPFC. The purchases made over one week helped us raise over $400. In August, we hosted our First Annual Golf Charity Tournament at Strawberry Farms Golf Club in Irvine. We had a safe and socially-distanced day of fun competitions, on-course games, followed by a quick reception with an award ceremony and a silent auction. Our first golf tournament helped us raise over $50,000 for our kids and their programs. We also introduced our Changing Lives Club that helped create ongoing monthly donations from our biggest supporters. We hosted our MPFIC Pumpkin Carving virtual fundraiser in the month of October. For every pumpkin carving photo a person posted on social media mentioning MPIC, each board member donated $10. Our creative and festive supporters helped raise $520. We also held an intimate and socially-distanced Dinner Under the Stars at The Resort at Pelican Hill in November. Our donors helped raise over $160,000 by participating in sponsorships, the silent auction, the live auction, and our fund-a-need. Lastly, we ended the year with our regularly scheduled Giving Tuesday campaign and raised $1,740.

Your Impact in 2020

We also were able to welcome six new MPFC grantees into our program. Because of you, we were able to help Cinnamon, JeremyKoen, Eric, Jacob, and Caleb.  Each child has a unique story  and we were so grateful to be able to extend our help to them in these uncertain times. Because of you and your donations, we were able to provide over 88,000 dollars in grants to the kids of MPFC. 

MPFC Thanks You For Your Support

Now more than ever, we are so thankful to be able to help families who need it the most. We cannot thank you enough for the support you showed during a very difficult year. MPFC is so lucky to have amazing donors who continued to donate and share our mission. We are looking forward to a safe and prosperous New Year with you!

Looking Forward to the New Year

In the New Year, MPFC strives to continue to execute our mission. We are thrilled to help more children, and welcome new faces to the MPFC team. We will continue to aid injured children who cannot afford to receive the help they need. Although this year is uncertain as well, we hope to host our fundraisers throughout the year and raise money for those who need it the most. We look forward to adding new members of the Changing Lives Club, and helping our supporters see their impact throughout the year. Although we cannot predict the future, we know that with MPFC’s donors and supporters, we will be able to continue to change the lives of injured children.